2012. Hell militia are back with a vengeance! recorded in germany - jacob's ladder,jonah,sternenfall,death worship,the black projector,the second coming of the pig,deus irae,jericho
1980. - terror dimension,minotaur,sigh of the beast,death rays,victims of the blade,necropolis,forbidden world,torment of hell,militia of death,dark sorcery
2010. - Acts Of Rage New Found Pain Destination Hell Soul Poison Cities Of The Dead Down My Neck One By One Agony Designed Slaughtervain Flesh Reborn 18 Hours Bonus tracks: Force-Fed [The Bleeding Scheme..
2009. From the unholy hell pits of Nottingham, England, the mighty RAVENS CREED are unleashed upon the world. With ex-members of IRON MONKEY, CEREBRAL FIX, SKYCLAD and GBH, as well as ORANGE GOBLIN vocalist BEN WARD..
2012. Legendární britská kapela Saxon funguje již více než pětatřicet let. Již po prvních singlech si vydo-byla velmi silnou pozici mezi heavy metalovými kapelami a se svým debutem z roku 1979 zazname-nala i velmi d..