2007. 24. 11. 2006 uplynulo 5 rokov, čo medzi nami nie je speváčka melanie thornton. Tento deň si pripomínam pamiatku speváčky, ktorej spevácky talent vyhasol pri leteckom..
1969. - irakere - taka taka,los van van - que pista,beny more - locas por el mambo,orquesta aragon - caserita villarena,reve y su charango - rumberos latino-americanos,ng la banda - la expresiva,adalberto..
2009. - cool jaques - about us,frank d - black winow,long beach grooves - funky town,city centre ensemble - believe it or not,j. Francoise - blue power,f. D. Project - in ..
2013. Consistently one of the hardest working bands in the Bay Area, LA PLEBE have teamed up with vinyl magicians Pirates Press Records to release this gem into the world. As these two new songs are sung in English ..
2013. - O mio babbino caro 2:50 , Una Mattina 3:23 , "La donna è mobile" 2:07 ,Ave Maria (Adapted For Violin And Piano) 5:50 , Mambo (Live At Centro de Acción Social por la Música, Sala Símon Bolivar, Caracas..