2019. Reissued on CD is a cult-album from the former republic of Yugoslavia, dating back to 1990 and featuring ex-members of well known bands s.a. Grupa 220, Idoli and Elektricni Orgazam.
2020. This live album from the band surrounding Gile (a.k.a. Srdan Gojkovic) features many songs from his legendary new wave/(post-)punk band Elektricni Orgazam.
2012. - The Morning Dew,The Given Note/Port Na B'pucai,George Brabazon,Digging,Kerry Slides,Bogland,Carrickfergus,Ardaí Chuain,Carolan's Concerto,At the Wellhead,The Foxhunt,The Otter,Round the House and Mind the D..
2015. - Gyz Galasy,East Of The Sun,Baki Khatireleri,Song For Gaby,Ford Fiasco,Giant Steps,My Funny Zibeyda,Ana,Gara Gile,Titel,Moment's Notice,Knock On Wood,Tetralogy,Manha De Carnaval,Firangiz,Clogged Again,Alagez..
2020. Musíme všichni táhnout za jeden provaz, nebo na něm budeme viset každý zvlášť. A co když ne? I patnáct let poté, co služebnice Fredova uprchla z Republik..