2016. 'Dead' sees the songs from the Bristol-based band's hugely acclaimed debut 'Dying' remixed by Mogwai, Factory Floor, Hookworms, Richard Fearless, Andy Bell (Ride), Robert Hampson (Loop) and many more.
2005. Tim Holmes a Richard Fearless, ktorí tvorili formáciu Death In Vegas, sa pustili do rekapitulovania svojej doterajšej tvorby, aj keď majúi za sebou len 3 štúdiové albumy. Bolo však z čoho vybrať a okrem hitový..
2016. 'Dead' sees the songs from the Bristol-based band's hugely acclaimed debut 'Dying' remixed by Mogwai, Factory Floor, Hookworms, Richard Fearless, Andy Bell (Ride), Robert Hampson (Loop) and many more. DOUBL..