2012. Debutová nahrávka medzinárodného tria Dulci Vento v unikátnej inštrumentálnej zostave prináša rozmanitý dobový repertoár stredoueurópskej hudby obdobia stredoveku a renesancie, ktorý štýlovo interpretuje na au..
2016. A modernist re-imagining of the choral epic 'Missa Sancti Jacobi' by 15th century composer Guillaume Dufay, Previte's 'Mass' prominently features the imposing sound of cathedral pipe organ along with a cham..
2016. A modernist re-imagining of the choral epic 'Missa Sancti Jacobi' by 15th century composer Guillaume Dufay, Previte's 'Mass' prominently features the imposing sound of cathedral pipe organ along with a chamber..