2009. - Prolog: Die Seiðr Kunst 01:41,Unter dem Banner der Nordwinde 06:12,Deiciamus in Nihilum 02:56,Sturmflut 07:09,Framentanz 04:44,Der erste Nachtfrost 06:29,Die Walstatt Svolder 05:15,Epilog: Die Tore der..
2007. - Zum Haff hinaus... 04:29,Bl?t - Lohen der Opferung 05:33,An den Pforten des Sturmes 05:34,Gebaren des Sterbens in klanglosen Sph?ren 07:25,Sævar niðr 05:00,Styrt ned i Mælstraumen 04:42,Dusk ..
2008. """O"" is the much anticipated debut album of this exceptional German band and without doubt it will appeal to fans of creative, emotional, nature-inspired ""Black""..
2010. Digipack version. """O"" is the much anticipated debut album of this exceptional German band and without doubt it will appeal to fans of creative, emotional, nature-inspired "&quo..