2018. Julie Doiron's stunning album 'Desormais', originally released in 2001, marked a departure from the Canadian artist's grunge pop releases in the 1990s. The intimate record is sung almost entirely in French. 'H..
1979. - snowfalls in november (live),sorry part iii (live),last night (live),no moneymakers (live),tonight is no night,dirty feet,dance all night,when i awoke (live),songwriter (live),some blues (live),ba..
2022. 'The Portable Herman Dune Vol. 1' is an acoustic anthology, the first of three parts, in which 22 years of songwriting are laid bare, stripped to the most intimate bone, to be released at intervals over the co..
2022. 'The Portable Herman Dune Vol. 1' is an acoustic anthology, the first of three parts, in which 22 years of songwriting are laid bare, stripped to the most intimate bone, to be released at intervals over the co..
2024. 'Run With Me' is the 2023 full-length by Canadian singer-songwriter Bry Webb, who's best known from the indie-rock outfit Constantines. Joining Bry in singing his songs of death, transition and hope are kindre..
2007. This is the first record by Mariska Baars from Leiden, Holland. Since 2002, she has been writing and recording songs under the name Soccer Committee. Her first self-released cdr was very well received, which a..