2012. Push Enter And Fall Down ... das Deb?t-Album von Enter And Fall! Inklusive Bonus CD mit bislang unver?ffentlichten Remixen u.a. von [:SITD:] und Polaroid Kiss! Ab 10.08.2012 ?berall erh?ltlich! Bandinfo: Das..
2019. Stunning recordings from Lesli Wood (Cobra Family Picnic) and Daniel Martin Diaz (Trees Speak, Amelia Poe), joined by a string of guest musicians including Vicki Brown, Ben Nisbett, Gabriel Sullivan, Julius Sc..
2020. Soul Jazz Records rarely release new music but found the music of Trees Speak's album 'Ohms' so stunning and to have so many elements of music that they admired that they felt compelled to release it. The grou..
2022. The 2017 debut full-length by the duo featuring Daniel Martin Diaz and Damian Diaz, reissued on DOUBLE-LP. This is experimental music with a foundation in 1960s-'70s jazz and rock'n'roll.
2016. For years, our children have loved the poetry and stories of Shel Silverstein, and my wife and I have been deeply moved by the 'grownup' messages that are delivered in ways that are equally meaningful to our c..