2014. Catfish keith is back with his all-new album, honey hole. Catfish is a world touring acoustic blues master that has been on the forefront of delta blues and roots music for over 30 years...
2017. This is the third album from pianist-composer Kathryn Kaye, whose first two CDs, Dreaming Still and Heavy as a Feather, were nominated for Zone Music Reporter (ZMR) Best Instrumental Album – Piano in 2011 and ..
2012. La fura dels baus “metamorfosis” / “boris godunov” original music by josep sanou the shared spectacle from day one, la fura dels baus has been, and remains, a project of global creation. &nb..
2016. “If You Were God” Tony Monaco (2001) came about from hearing so many people complain about everything from the weather to what was happening in their life, as well as Tony Monaco’s own questions. Recorded in ..