2010. - hollow talk,next summer,these rituals of mine,action/reaction,under the moon,wintertime love,she walks,why must it always be the same,claustrophobia,yamagata,disk 2:,burn the flag,sharpen your kni..
2010. - hollow talk,next summer,these rituals of mine,action/reaction,under the moon,wintertime love,she walks,why must it always be the same,claustrophobia,yamagata,disk 2:,burn the flag,sharpen your kni..
1986. V pořadí páté studiové album s názvem "The Spirit Indestructible" slibuje po hudební stránce velmi pestrou kolekci. Mezi producenty jsou taková jména jako Salaam Remi (produkoval pro zpěvačku hit "The Night is..
2014. Welcome to the Lodge of Imploded Love! Where tears becomes black holes and joy is abscent! Where hope becomes antimatter and love implodes! 'Live At The Lodge Of Imploded Love' offers 6 live songs recorded in ..