2015. Three years in the making heres the sophomore collaborative album by one of the most strikingly natural singer/songwriter duos of these troubled modern times, Scott Wino Weinrich and Conny Ochs. The newest col..
2016. - intro,come out swinging,original plankster,want you bad,million miles away,dammit, i changed again,living in chaos,special delivery,one fine day,all along,denial, revisited,vultures,conspiracy of ..
2017. The New TOTAL CHAOS EP "STREET PUNX"!!! These are some of the best songs the band has ever written in the last 27 years. New tracks "Street Punx" and "Nation Of War" will have all the punks young and old in fo..
2017. The New TOTAL CHAOS EP "STREET PUNX"!!! These are some of the best songs the band has ever written in the last 27 years. New tracks "Street Punx" and "Nation Of War" will have all the punks young and old in fo..
2014. - el altar del dios desconocido,death and the labyrinth,at war with reality,the circular ruins,heroes and tombs,the conspiracy of the blind,order from chaos,the book of sand (the abomination),the he..
2014. - El Altar Del Dios Desconocido,Death and the Labyrinth,At War With Reality,The Circular Ruins,Heroes and Tombs,The Conspiracy of the Blind,Order from Chaos,The Book of Sand (The Abomination),The Head of the ..